Friday, November 11, 2011

New Pictures of Orphanage 16!

I am so excited to be able to post these new pic's of Reid, Erin, Francine, and Bethany they are so cute. This is Francine she is five years old.All of these children are five or almost five and facing the institution.
Francine look's so different and so cute!!! This is Reid he is five years old.

Oh my, I just want to go pick him up and hug him he is a cutie pie!!! This is adorable little Erin she is four years old.

This is Erin and Bethany.

I love these children and I pray that they will be adopted very soon.

1 comment:

  1. oh my! i had no idea bethany and erin were in the same orphanage as francine and reid! will add erin tothe friday gallery as well xxxx
